Black Hawk

Provide air assault, general support, aeromedical evacuation, command and control and special operations support to combat and stability and support operations.
Description and Specifications
The UH 60 Black Hawk is a utility tactical transport helicopter that replaces the UH-1 "Huey". The versatile Black Hawk has enhanced the overall mobility of The Army, due to dramatic improvements in troop capacity and cargo lift capability, and will serve as The Army's utility helicopter in the Objective Force. On the asymmetric battlefield, it provides the commander the agility to get to the fight quicker and to mass effects throughout the battlespace across the full spectrum of conflict. An entire 11-person, fully-equipped infantry squad can be lifted in a single Black Hawk, transported faster than in predecessor systems, in most weather conditions. The Black Hawk can reposition a 105 mm Howitzer, its crew of six, and lift up to 30 rounds of ammunition in a single lift. The aircraft's critical components and systems are armored or redundant, and its airframe is designed to progressively crush on impact to protect the crew and passengers.
Max. Gross Weight:
Cruising Speed:
Max. Range:
External Load:
Internal Load:
20,250 lbs
139 kt
2.3 hrs
320 nm
8000 lbs
2640 lbs (or 11 combat-equipped troops)
4 (2 pilots; 2 crew chiefs)
Two 7.62mm machine guns
22,000 lbs, 23,500 (external cargo)
2.1 hrs
306 nm
9000 lbs
- Entered Army Service: 1979
- Manufacturer: United Technologies; General Electric