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Episode 6: Porderia Landing

The swampy land of Porderia caused slight landing problems for Fannia and Donnaught. Outside the ship's window, the two friends watched as a four-winged bird swooped among the trees.

"This doesn't look so good." Donnaught muttered quietly after landing on a dry patch of land in the swamp.

Fannia opened the ship's door and stepped out. "Maybe the local people can help us." He sank an inch into the marshy ground and started towards more firmer ground.

After hours of walking, the pair came across a grove of strange curly pink fruit. "Food!" Donnaught shouted, grabbing a handful of the alien fruit.

"Don't eat the those!" Fannia tred to grab the fruit from his companion's hand. "We don't know if they are poisonous or not!"

"But we've been traveling for hours." Donnaught complained with a growling stomach. "We need to eat something."


Leave the fruits.


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Written by Sprie