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Cyno's Role-Play: Tools

Character Generator

Welcome to the Character Generator. This tool allows you to generate a player character (PC) or a non-player character (NPC) quickly and easily. Reload this page to generate a new character.

Use our Name Generator to generate a name for this character.

Age:       18
Education: 11 years
Gender:    Male


This character has naturally brown eyes. This character has short, straight hair that is split down the middle. The hair color is naturally red.


This character is rash, fluff-headed, and humorous.

Personal Value

This character values 'honor' the most. This character values a personal hero greatly. This character's most valuable possession is a photograph.


This character is currently not involved and wants to get involved.

Family Ties

The character's parents are alive. But the character just can't get along with either parents.